Be joyful in HOPE,
patient in affliction,
faithful in prayer.
Share with the Lord’s
people who are in need.
Romans 12:12-13

14th Sunday after Pentecost-22

Sermon Text: Luke 10:25-37
Everyone knows the parable of the Good Samaritan. But not everyone notices that right before it the Lord gives us the key to understanding it. A man comes to Jesus with a question: “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” But the Holy Spirit informed and inspired Luke to say that with this question the man was trying to “justify himself.” So this story is not about learning to do our works of mercy better; it’s not about one more work to do. Instead, it’s about how our efforts to justify ourselves before God with our deeds can only fail; and it’s about how we have a Good Samaritan who comes down our road and sees how the Law has beaten us up with our sins and condemnation, has compassion on us, and heals and bandages us with the Gospel. We meet Him not only in the Word but in His Supper where He heals and cleanses us, up close, from all the damage that our sins do.