The Day Death Died (John 19:30) 04/10/2020 Pastor Brad Kerkow Good Friday, Holy Week John April 10, 2020 Good Friday
Jesus Conquers Death! (John 11:17-27, 32-35, 38-45) 03/29/2020 Pastor Brad Kerkow Lent John March 29, 2020 Fifth Sunday in Lent
Jesus Has Sight for the Blind (John 9:1-7, 13-17, 34-39) 03/15/2020 Pastor Brad Kerkow Lent John March 15, 2020 Third Sunday in Lent
Quench Your Thirst on the Living Water (John 4:5-26) 03/10/2020 Pastor Brad Kerkow Lent John March 8, 2020 Second Sunday in Lent
Jesus Takes Away Sin (John 1:29-41) 01/20/2020 Pastor Brad Kerkow Epiphany John January 19, 2020 Second Sunday after Epiphany
Easter Sunrise: The First Person to See Jesus Alive Again…And Why It Matters to You. (John 20:1-18) 04/29/2019 Pastor Brad Kerkow Easter John April 21, 2019 Easter Sunrise Service
Honor the Son! John 5:19-24 11/11/2018 Pastor Dan Ruiz Pentecost John He has Worked Out Our Salvation He has Wiped Out Our Condemnation
Jesus Is the Bread of Life! John 6:24-35 08/12/2018 Pastor Brad Kerkow John Jesus Is the Bread of Life!
The Dying Son John 19:17-30 04/03/2018 Pastor Dan Ruiz Lent John The Dying Son I. As the Son of Man he died as our substitute II. As the Son of Mary he cared for her needs III. As the Son of God he obeyed his Father to the end