Be joyful in HOPE,
patient in affliction,
faithful in prayer.
Share with the Lord’s
people who are in need.
Romans 12:12-13

Advent 2 – 2024

Here is a portion of the pastor’s sermon from Luke 21:25-36, about false confidence vs. true confidence. The Coming of the Son of Man “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; men’s…

Trinity 27 – 2024

THE END OF THE GOSPEL The End of the Gospel. That’s where we are today. After a year of being in Mark’s gospel for the sermons, we come to the last 2 verses. It’s like the end of a story. If the gospels are the story of what Jesus did on earth, isn’t the end…

Trinity 26- 2024

Mark 13:24-37 KNOWING THE TIME As Jesus concludes his sermon to His disciples about “what will be the sign of His coming and of the end of the age” (Mt 24:3.Mk 13:4), He gets into His actual coming, the moment when He appears in “great power and glory.” He speaks about things happening to the sun, moon, and stars that…

All Saints – 2024

CHRIST HAS CALLED YOU TO BE HIS MARTYR Perpetua was a young wife and mother, with a nursing child, in 203 A.D. Although the Roman emperor forbade conversion to Christianity, she believed in Jesus – with her servant Felicitas. They were arrested leaving church. She and Felicitas were thrown into prison. Her father (an unbeliever)…

Festival of the
Reformation – 2024

On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed a list of 95 statements to the Castle Church door in Wittenberg, Germany. They were “theses” for debate. It started a chain of events that resulted in what we call “the Reformation.” We think of Martin Luther as bold and heroic. But he certainly experienced self-doubt. Just four…

Trinity 21 – 2024

WHAT WE DO AFFECTS OTHERS, AND IT’S ABOUT ETERNITY Sermon Text, St. Mark 9:42-50 (ESV). “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea. And if your hand causes…