Be joyful in HOPE,
patient in affliction,
faithful in prayer.
Share with the Lord’s
people who are in need.
Romans 12:12-13

A Message from the Pastor

Christianity Is Radically Different.

Why should a person be a Christian and not a Muslim, Buddhist, or a follower of another religion?  The answer:  Because Christianity is true.  Our society today struggles with this answer.  It views all religions as basically the same and therefore as different perspectives of the truth.  This view of world religions cannot be true.…

A Light that Guides to Heaven

The Oak Island lighthouse is the brightest lighthouse in the United States.  Its beam is rated at 14 million candlepower.  It can be seen for over 20 miles out to sea.  Sailors moving up and down the coast by that lighthouse are warned of danger, but they’re also shown something else. Each lighthouse has a…

A New You through Christ

May is a month of change.  The weather starts to warm up, the grass turns green, the leaves return, and signs of life return as the last signs of winter disappear.  May also brings a close to another school year as students pack their bags and head home for the summer. Big changes that occur…

He is Risen!

This year, Easter falls on April First. On Easter Day, Christians all over the world gather to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. But April Fool’s Day, by common usage, is a day for pranks. Nobody likes to play the fool. But for a moment, coming up on an April First Easter,…