What makes a Christmas tree a Christmas tree? Is it the bright-shining lights? The beautiful garland and strings of colorful beads? Maybe it is your favorite ornaments. Many would argue that a Christmas tree just isn’t a Christmas tree until the star is put on the top. Without the star, something is missing.
The Christmas season is adorned with many attractive decorations. Christmas music fills the air. Christmas greetings arrive from distant friends. Families gather joyfully around the Christmas dinner. Children try unsuccessfully to contain their excitement as Christmas draws near. Among all the gleam and glitter you may feel something is missing. Does it all seem pointless? Every year it starts earlier and becomes less satisfying. Is all the activity swirling around nothing? What is missing?
If Christ is left out of the Christmas celebration, then there is something missing. Actually there is nothing to celebrate. Christmas is about Christ – God’s Son born as child of man! It is about God coming to humans in human flesh so humans can go to God. It is about the One name that is above all other names! “For to us a child is born, to us a Son is given…And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6
We need a Counselor. We need fatherly love. We need the peace that only He can provide. We need to know, without a doubt, that our sins are forgiven. We need God. That is why Jesus came that first Christmas – to be our Counselor, our source of love, and our Peace. He came to die on the cross for the forgiveness of all our sins. Jesus came to be our God. We celebrate Christmas. Our celebration has meaning because we celebrate Christ. Our Star is in place! Please come and join us this Christmas season to welcome and worship our Savior, Jesus Christ.