As I type this post, it is raining a steady drizzle outside. It would be an understatement to say that Central Texas needs this rain – we are in a severe drought. I have made and heard many prayers for rain recently. Maybe you have also been praying for rain. But now that the Lord has sent rain it can be easy to forget to thank Him. So my prayer today is “Thank you, Lord for the rain!”
Sometimes, we can be quick to ask the Lord for something we need or want, but sadly, just as quick to forget to thank Him, even when He grants our request. You and I have a sinful nature that demands and demands yet hates to acknowledge God as the supplier of all our needs. God could rightfully condemn us for all our ungratefulness.
In order to save us, instead, He condemned His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, in our place. Yes, God has provided for your greatest need – forgiveness! This thanksgiving, as you list off things that you are thankful for, don’t forget the rain which waters the ground, and don’t forget Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, which forgives your sins and assures you of eternal life! Thank You, Lord!!